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Independent living communities are also known as retirement communities, retirement homes or senior housing. For today’s baby boomers and seniors with few if any disabilities and needed only limited assistance, retirement communities offer a broad range of intellectual, physical and social activities to enhance golden years’ enjoyment.

The retirement years should be enjoyable. In fact, some say they’re the best years of life since you don’t have to deal with the stresses…

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Tus talentos son muchos “tu conocimiento sumado al beneficio de los más vulnerables.

Dona en especie y efectivo

Donar no es aquello que te sobra, sino lo que quieres compartir.

Apadrina un adulto mayor

Cuando aceptas en tu familia a una persona ajena a ella que te necesita.

¿En qué contribuye el donativo económico o en especie?

A que La Casa Heredia López, A.C., pueda continuar recibiendo ancianitos abandonados, olvidados por su familia, que padecen enfermedades y tienen grandes necesidades afectivas.

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Providing the Best Care For Seniors

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How Pet Therapy Has Changed Assisted Living

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Elder Care Costs Compare

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